Wednesday, August 4, 2010

2nd Grade Essays - Part I

I've been meaning to write this post for a while now and it just keeps slipping through the cracks.

Last year was a pretty intense learning year for Gabriela. She had a fair amount of homework and projects to do for school. And to think that she's only in Second Grade! One of the areas they focused on was writting essays. They were learning the structure of an essay, the opening sentence (The Grabber), transitioning between sentences (First, Next, and Last) and conclusions.

At the end of the school year they sent home a compilation of her work. Jay and I sat one day and read all of her essays and we had so much fun! She has such a creative little mind! And her little grammar mistakes make the esssays that much cuter.

Here is one essay that we'd like to share:

Gabriela was given the following information:

Your Aunt Sally has sent you a Mickey Mouse hat for your birthday. Whenever you put the cap on, you discover that you can fly for about an hour. Before you begin writing, think about flying around for an hour with this cap on. Now write about one of your flying experiences.

And this is Gabriela's essay:

I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!!! Hay, you know when you put that Micky mouse hat on it makes you fly like the wined. Yay! I'm flying. It an merecal. CRASH! Aaa! My eyes! It hurts! I can't see! Bad sun bad sun! I wish I can have glasses that pertect my eyes from the sun. I will save you mmm cat. Oh... you are tighed to a tree. I can ficks it fast as lightling. Oh thanks. Oh!? here old lady, heres your cat. Wow! I can't believe you gus are still there. 2 hours later. Oh my gosh. guys you wasted all my power. Hony Bunny come down stairs! Later! No! Now! Ok, Ok. You're on the News paper! "Well I'm going up stairs" BANG! "Are you all right hony. Yes mother." Just pay a tenchion next time. Ok. Ok... Now go up stairs and I will get you some ice. Ok. Can I turn on the TV. Yes hony bun. Do you wanna a Micky mouse hat like mighn it's black moon light and red like a roes. What will you do when you get a Micky mouse hat that is black as moon light and red as a roes.


Wined = Wind
Merecal = Miracle
Pertect = Protect
Lightling = Lightning
A Tenchion = Attention
Roes = Rose

I have to say, I'm with her with all the spelling... as an ESL person there are a LOT of things about the English language that still don't make a whole lot of sense to me.

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