Friday, June 12, 2009

Gabriela is a second grader!

Yesterday was Gabriela's last day of school. She was very excited about finishing school because it means she's officially a second grader. She called me on her way home from school and said "since I'm done with first grade, I think I'd like to celebrate with you guys tonight or something. Maybe we could all go out to dinner!"

This year was full of accomplishments for Gabriela. She advanced so much in her reading skills and now we get to know about all the bill boards on our way home, to school, to the restaurants, etc. It also makes it harder for us to give each other secret messages like "hey, do you want to go get i - c - e - - c - r - e - a - m?" because we immediately get a "yes! let's go get ice cream!"

She still has a hard time eating apples since she lost most of her front teeth at the same time. I forgot how adorable kids look at this age! I guess it's all part of a defense mechanism since she has fallen so many times in her quest to learn to play soccer. At least she's not knocking any teeth off!

Here are some images of these past few months:

Gabriela during soccer practice

Egg-hunt for Easter

And last but not least!

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