Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hello Kitty!

Hello Kitty came to town! And took over our daughter!

Abuelita Maritza made some really cool tank tops for Gabriela using a new technique with napkins! Can you believe that? They're so much fun and cute and go very well with the Hello Kitty earrings (by Aunt Sara) and the necklace and the bracelet and even the Silly Bands*! The only down side is that they have to be hand-washed. Yeah, that's where the love ends. That's so Venezuelan of the little cute top... and I... am... sooo not Venezuelan in the hand-washing department any more! So maybe we can dry clean them?

*Silly Bands: For those of you who either aren't teachers or don't have school-aged kids, these are the new trend. Colorful rubber bands shaped like farm animals, or music instrument, or cars that come in packages with two of each so that kids can trade them, teachers can't teach and parents can run around all over town trying to get "the frog one mommy... that's the ONE I NEED"!

Other than that, not a whole lot going on over here. Jay finished his summer classes (phew!) and has one week off (so he can go through the To-Do list I gave him) before he starts his Fall semester. Almost there!

This Friday we get to meet Gabriela's 3rd grade teacher! (so we can talk about how much fun they're going to have this year, find out what the yellow, blue and red folders mean, tell her what a great kid our princess is... mhh... she might talk a wee bit in class but you should have no problem with her otherwise). And we already got school supplies and matching lunch bag with bookbag because she already starts school the week after. Where did summer go?!

And since work has slowed down, and I'm coming home at a human hour, I get to bake!

You're going to think that we don't eat any veggies! But I swear we do! Baked goods are just a lot more fun to photograph (and OK, fine, yummier too!) :-)

1 comment:

  1. Dios que hermosa sale Gabriela en estas fotos... parece una teeneger¡¡¡ Prima y Mary se boto con esos top, asi que a lavarlos a mano, porque vale la pena y te confieso yo no soy muy dada a eso tampoco pero cuando se trate de ver a mis tesoros luciendo como principes alli si mandenme a hacer cualquier mandado jejeje.
